How to combine modern technological science with ancient wisdom?

It will not be an exaggeration here in saying that in a developing country like India, people have had gone through many social upheavals and turbulence, or for that matter, assemblage of many kaleidoscopic races and a novel kind of sub-culture automatically taken its root here through the centuries as a natural corollary, therefore, replacing the ancient values and systems with a new kind of social order and cultural behavior so the kind of attitude that things should be left as it is and to give more access to each sub-cultures as the bottom line on one side and to see the other side of the coin, massive western influence has taken its root so deeply that India tend to become indifferent and confused somewhat by the cross currents of different diverse cultures but as a natural off-shoot emboldened by it which could be coined by the phrase ‘Unity in Diversity’; but brushing aside at the same time, the rich heritage of ancient wisdom envisaged by the great ‘hrishis’ (the ancient Indian ascetics) in their far-off cottages.
While the western influence has bestowed the whole world with the blessings of so many scientific discoveries and technological advancement and it goes without saying that the rest of the world owes to the extraordinary contributions of western liberal thinking, pragmatism and the scientific spirit while we are confined to our shell only for centuries despite so many cosmetic changes out there that are happening in India; but, unfortunately, we are lacking in emulating the western scientific spirit in terms of ‘Sense of Objectivity’…… And this kind of objectivity of thinking drives one to be respectful and compassionate to others’ worries and afflictions, and above all, to be inquisitive and the inclination to merge and respect the best of other cultures for the upliftment and well-being of all humankind; irrespective of class, creed an ethnicity. One might wonder why in the world I am talking about the relation between the sense of objectivity on one hand and the negative impacts of technology on human body and mind on the other. In fact, all the tools invented by the western world have been the technological marvel which changes the socio-economic demography of the world, but it was possible only because of tireless dedication and emphasis on innovation and uprightness and it would not be unwise to mention here everything was not done prying for profit and profit only; rather, profit factor comes as a natural corollary or as a by-product in terms of material prosperity and well-being as a whole owing to these marvelous innovations. Similarly, the stage had been already set five thousand years back when ancient Indian sages in the sylvan settings of Himalayas foresaw that human mind is the greatest source of strength and treasure—above all materialistic things. They envisioned that at the end of one epoch another will come and thereby replacing with another one and a day will come when a human being will be in search of peace only to satiate his afflicted and burnt-out soul.

To do that in reality, the basic mindset need to be changed drastically; even in the hardcore entities like corporates, schools, colleges and universities and for that to happen there need to be looking back as well as giving due regard to the sublime knowledge of poetry, classical literature and, without sounding fussy, spreading the cognitive knowledge of the rational and the primitive origin of the entire human race—homo sapiens. And possibly time is imminent to take humanity stream no less a subject medium compared to Science & Technology to ponder with; so much so that, at least, once in a week the corporates, teachers and other stake holders presumably, need to nurture among the employees concerned by arranging special sessions for open-hearted discussions or seminars of the insightful excerpts from The Bhawad Gita and from the Upanishads to know what is ultimate truth in the context of the larger universe; students from the basic level, thereby, inculcating the regular habit of indulging in spontaneous poetry sessions and literature-- at the behest of their respective teachers-- and sifting the ideas and spreading the good words from ancient wisdom and quotable quotes introducing in a friendly discussion and, thereupon, setting the trend which will be finding its relevance and space enhancing the basic human values on earth; no matter it may seem a preposterous idea to implement it in every walks of life. Although it is easier said than done but it would not be irrelevant to say here that all these churnings automatically will have its spiraling effects not only as a great stress-reliever but will be initiating the groundwork for compassionate understandings among human beings and which goes without saying the craving need of the hour and not just as an optional tool for soft skill development.

I have written an e-book available on Amazon Kindle and Create Space’s online e-book store titled: ‘Memoirs of a City’ regarding the compelling power of seven simple steps of ‘pranayama’ that I came across a few years back at Kankhal Ashrama which belongs to the Uttaranchal state of India. In that book, I depicted how a third stage prostate cancer patient lost all his hopes on life but, ultimately, cured fully by the magical spells of ‘pranayama’.
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