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Possibilities of ‘madur-kathi’ (reed) handicrafts as home-décor   and for everyday use

Formal Introduction:

Irrespective of any country dividing the geographical boundary, one common thread that binds some traditional ethnic sects together; possibly is the god-gifted mastery over weaving of any item depending upon the availability and type of raw materials in respective countries. Whether one lives in India or in Europe or in North America or in any aboriginal ethnic sect in Africa; there is no dearth of skilled and efficient craftsmen making elegant home décor, gift and items that are being used regularly in everyday household chores. Crafts from the state of West Bengal (situated in the eastern periphery of India, skirting along mighty Himalayan mountain range in its northern part and the vast territory on both sides of the river Hooghly (local name), dividing the City of Calcutta and the district of Howrah on each side of the river on the Southern fringe enriched by the most fertile soil in the world; and flowing along Sundarbans Delta and, ultimately, merging with the Bay of Bengal.

Handicrafts heritage of Bengal:

From time immemorial, the artisans here in Bengal stretching along the bordering districts of Purulia and Bankura in the Western side to the Northern Bengal; there have been fascinating sects of skilled artisans living in this part of the world and, thereupon, the skills in ones’ respective fields will have handed down to the next generation, spanning a couple of centuries. So it is a pretty old heritage institution to define its importance properly.
                                    The ethnic tag that has been associated with these fascinatingly innovative as well as, sometimes, one-off artifacts; and a kind of impulsiveness to inherit those instantly that wrought in the minds of a connoisseur; linked to its variety and unique ethnicity differs from place to place and region to region, in addition to its nature-friendly and bio-degradable characteristics.
           With extra disposable income, people now look forward to buying something to make their home look more attractive and creative with some extra value added to their home décor and make sure these exclusive artifacts weaved through Golden Grass Mat fiber; or for that matter, ‘Madur kathi or reed offer some mind-boggling decorative items inherit its biological name in Cyperus tegmentum.                                           
                  In fact, the Golden Grass fiber or madur reed unfolds a wide spectrum of items not only for home décor but also useful products for everyday use as well as variety of uncommon gift items to the list. Although the tensile strength of madur reed is more superior to even jute fiber but to make the fabric more suitable to the practical need -- the warp portion consists of cotton thread whilst the weft is a thin soft reed famously known as ‘Madur kathi’ only grows in the swampy marshlands of rural West Bengal and in the north-east state of Tripura. The Broad spectrum of the diverse variety of items could be classified as per following:
·       Place Mat with Saree (an Indian outfit for women) border.
·       Table Mat with Tassel.
·       Table Mat with Pippin.
·       Table Mat with colored sticks.
·       Cushion cover.
·       Cushion Cover with Gusset.
·       Box set of different sizes.
·       Door Curtain
·       Window curtain
·       TV/Computer cover
·       Pillow Cover
·       Folding Mat
·       Roller Blind
·       Lamp Shade
·       Shoulder Bag
·       Ladies Bag
·       Ladies Purse
·       Toilet Bag/Coin Purse
·       Magazine Holder/Flat Folder
·       Pen Stand/Diary Cover
·       Beach Mat/Beach Bag
·       Folding Mat
·       Yoga Mat

As mentioned earlier weaving is a pretty old occupation that have had existed among Bengals’ rural populace; and with the passage of time it had grown not only in volume but touches the heart of millions because of its elegant style, finesse, surprisingly low price, bio-degradable nature but because of its functional usage one can customize a madur fabric (say, 24”x24”) by tweaking it as an elegant and creative wall-paneling for interior design by introducing on its  beautiful geometrically-designed surface and, thereupon, putting on the middle a kind of tapestry/appliqué art designs on each mat fabric. It could be, in all likelihood, compatible with today's textured wall concept in the drawing room by artistically fixing each appliqué/tapestry design on a madur based surface on to the middle portion of the textured wall. But this is interior designer’s point of view to decide which concept could be suitable particular to the circumstances.

                                In my next blog, I will discuss other categories of handcrafted exclusive items.


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