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                A Sales Copy sample about Health

  • Imagine what could have come over you all of a sudden—no mark of stress anxiety and depression or that creepy feeling haunting you all the time. How calm you feel now inside your brain, your very ‘magic circle’!

But, to begin with, let me explain a true story. Here it goes: Long back in the middle part of the nineteenth century there lived an ascetic sage in the Western part of the province of Maharastra in India—he is still revered as the true embodiment of God for his miraculous power of saving his devotees from the clutches of evil and incurable diseases. His name is Sri Saibaba of Shirdi.
                A true ascetic that he was, he has had the uncanny ability to visualize the past, present and future events much in advance than any mortal being can even get to any slightest hint of any massive future setback implied in any apparently good events.
               One evening Sri Saibaba was sitting among his disciples inside his hermitage, sharing light moments with his disciples. Suddenly, he woke up and became extremely restless and then he went outside and began strolling around to and fro covering the small space in front of his hermitage.
            Everybody was taken aback by that kind of sudden mood change of baba but no one asked him anything about it.
            In the mid-noon, everybody left the hermitage to one’s respective place except one of his very close ones. The man became very dozy suddenly and when he woke up, he found Sri Saibaba was not there on his cot.
            In his foreboding of future events, a very powerful feeling obsessed Sri Saibaba’s mind suddenly and almost in a state of trance he visualized with the help of his third eye that one of his intimate friends of his ‘previous birth’ Ramlal was in great trouble who was living then in Mumbai in his rebirth and was leading a very peaceful and pious life. In fact, he was trying to help one of his needy friends selflessly by giving him money, shade and shelter.
             So far so good, but when Ramlal tried to get his friend married; Saibaba had that kind of foreboding because the girl with whom Ramlal’s friend was going to get married was no match with the liberal and open-hearted family atmosphere of Ramlal and his friend. She was cunning, ambitious and a kind of covetous sort—in short, ‘messenger of destruction’.
              Hence Sri Saibaba was restless and leaving his hermitage, left for Mumbai at that moment with the help of his ‘invisible’ soul undetected by others faster than the speed of light.
            Firstly, Saibaba tried in vain many times before the final settlement of the marriage to intimate his message through ‘dream’ to alert Ramlal and when that failed he tried to appear before him physically and made his friend realize who was in half awake, half sleepy state trying to convey him through hypnotic dialogue exchange that what he intended to do would only cause destruction. But Ramlal still ignored it as a freakish reverie. At Last, Sri Saibaba was able to convey the message but it was too late by then…

Similarly, neurotransmitter or ‘the magic circle’ of the brain failed to transmit the message from one cell to another damaging the total balance of the body.


Because of lack of Serotonin level—a natural chemical produced in the brain. Low levels of this essential natural ingredient are the reason for the following mental diseases. And you can’t ignore it anymore…

  • ·      A Migrain
  • ·      Autism
  • ·      Depression
  • ·      Stress anxiety
  • ·      Sleep disorder
  • ·      Memory loss
  • ·      Epilepsy
  • ·      Frequent Infections
  • ·      IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • ·      Social Phobia
  • ·      ADHD
  • ·      Bipolar disorder
  • ·      Schizophrenia
  • ·      Loss of Sexual Preference
  • Imagine how unsafe could you be to ignore it anymore...Do you?

Three simple ways you can adapt to remove the deficiencies by replacing your ‘magic circle’ with the happy hormone—Serotonin

1. Natural Health Supplement
Serotonin Health Supplement is basically a non-drug solution to get rid of any kind of mental diseases and restoring parity in your whole nervous system. Honestly, it is a holistic approach no matter for any age group that you happen to be and, thereby, working even slowing down considerably the ageing process, hence looking you much younger than you really are. Serotonin Supplement prevents brain cell damage, increasing the health of your neurotransmitter conveying the message from one cell to another smoothly (unlike in the case of Sri Sainbaba), keeping you positive and a sort of soothing feeling coming spontaneously from your brain.
2. It keeps you away from anti-depressant drugs.
Anti-depressant or Ecstasy drugs like SSRI’s can increase your Serotonin levels as well but, it has been seen that in the long run, this kind of drugs can damage your nerves considerably but in the case of natural Health Supplements there are no such issues because of its natural ingredients.
 3. It keeps away free radicals
Free radicals are the vital cause of disease formation in a human body. Only anti-oxidants that found in natural herbs and organic foods are the main source of Serotonin Supplements. In some veggies like carrot and pineapple, you can find beta-carotene—an anti-oxidant agent. But in a natural Serotonin Supplement, you can have all the anti-oxidant elements in an organized way and in a single package.
 In Indian cuisine turmeric is being used almost in a regular manner, it has been clinically proved that the basic ingredient curcumin that hugely found in turmeric consists of anti-oxidant properties driving out free radicals which even causes cancer. This is the reason why the rate of colon cancer is much lower in India or in other Asian cuisines that use turmeric compared to Western countries. Much Indian household drink warm milk mixing it up with a pinch of turmeric for good night’s sleep.
      P.S: Whatever you intake for your well being, please consult with a medical practitioner/nutritionist before using anything simply because physiological disposition differs from person to person.





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